The Few; The Proud

When I got married to a Marine I didn't know what to expect. Never did I imagine that I'd be able to handle being married to a Marine. However, fast forward 10 years later and I'm in love with one. Being a military wife can be hard at times. It can be frustrating at times. It can become confusing at times, but I'm so very proud of my husband and what he does.

What I find to be the most amazing thing about the military is the support of other wives and families. Moving from home I knew no one besides my husband. Now I have an abundance of friends who can relate very close to what changes I've gone through in this past year. That's comforting to me.

On a side note, many of you may be wondering what I am doing over the next 8 months or so. Your answer? I don't know. haha. For the first time in my life I don't have a yearly plan. I've applied for a job, interviewing in Aug, I may be subbing in the fall, OR there's a possibility of returning home for a few months to intern with a photographer that I know. Much like the military, nothing is for certain. I'll let you know when I do.

What I'd like to do is start a reasonably busy on-location photography business that would keep me busy (3-4 sessions a week or more!). I'm working on getting the word out first. If you know of anyone who may be needing some portraits done give them my info!! :) My first wedding is in August! I'll be shooting my cousin's wedding in Denver, CO with the help of my sister.

Until next time....