Liz ringing in the new year with her coffee. Typical. :)

I’d forgotten how beautiful the sunsets can be in the country: mom’s house;

Got a sweet and goofy card from my husband.

I decide to order only salads when I go out to eat. I'm at BoJangles 2 days later.

I got an email for a "free" welcome home banner. I made it, went to checkout and it was around 100!!!! Guess the date expired. Sorry Steve, you'll be getting a homemade one.

Unpacked the kitchen

Watched 88 Minutes- not the best movie to watch in my situation...

Tommi's shower was a success.

E3 night at church with the youth group.

School is cancelled for 3 inches of snow. School was also cancelled the next day for no snow.

I was finally able to do a little catching up on editing. Wow I had a lot to do. First on the list: Caitlyn and Justin.

Skied all day and only fell twice. Got yelled at by the ski patrol for going to fast (not on purpose). I couldn’t slow down. The evening sunsets were beautiful. A picture doesn’t do it justice.

I got tired of eating fast food so I cooked this week. Pictured is my homemade beef and noodles. :)

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