I've been feeling pretty crafty lately. In addition to this I'm hoping to find a coffee table to re-do as well and I recently started working on a "diaper cake" for a friend who is having a baby soon. (pictures to come soon! :))
Meanwhile, Sasha is getting bigger by the minute. She's up to nearly 30 lbs. these days. She is still in the puppy stage but is potty trained now. We've been working with a friend who used to do dog training and Sasha is learning very quickly. This stuff is a lot of work!! Sasha is always tired afterwards....See below

This summer I hope to really be able to dive into self-training photography. Since I will be taking the summer off I'm hoping to learn a lot. I would LOVE to get hooked up with a local photog and able to work side by side and train with them. We'll see though. I may have to stick to hands on practice, learning tutorials, and books. A friend of mine who also shoots Nikon suggested me trying to shoot RAW. She is experimenting with it currently. I feel like I have SO much to learn still, which I do. I feel that the creativity is there, the technical things are what I need to become more knowledgable in. I say this knowing that some people see my blog as my "business site". I just want to be honest though. I feel that I have the talent but I feel that my talent has a long way to go.
I've been staying up way to late lately and tonight looks no different than every other night. Staying up late would be no problem except for every morning at 5:30 or 6 I have a heavy bladder puppy wanting to go outside.
Something exciting is about to happen in my life that I won't mention publically. If you know me you will know what I'm talking about. *and no I'm not having a baby
First of all I LOVE the cabinet. I am working on buffet redo as we speak. It's actually drying in the garage right now!!
Also you asked what I shoot in? I ALWAYS shoot in RAW. You can get soo much more detail that way. Your file sizes will be huge but the extra detail is definitely worth it. Since you have CS4 you should be fine with it reading the RAW format. But the image will open in a window "outside" of photoshop at first and you can make any adjustments you need to there. The cool thing about RAW is that you aren't taking away/adding any pixels to your image like you do in photoshop. Everything you are adjusting is actually what you captured. There isn't going to be the "stretching" that occurs when your file is jpeg. Test it out and let me know what you think.
ohhh and the Mac. I have been dying for a Mac forEVER. That is all we used in the photography department in college and their capabilities were incredible (not to mention their screen resolution). I went with a Macbook, simply for convenience. I would LOVE a desktop Mac some day and they are actually a little more reasonably priced, but the convenience factor outweighed the practicality. Now-a-days you can do a lot with a PC though and if price is any factor they almost don't compare. You can get a dell laptop for 400 bucks. I LOVE my mac and I would never trade it in for a PC, but if you have never used a Mac before you might find it slightly frustrating. (there are no menu's or right click!). Either way you can do most of your photography editing on either one but it's a lot easier on a Mac. Good luck!:)
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