Crystal and Matt make parenting look so easy. I'm sure there are tough times, but honestly Sydney is very well behaved and it doesn't take much to get her to stop if she is doing something she's not supposed to. I hope that Steve and I transition into parenting as well as they have. Sydney is such a blessing to our family.

On a side note, I've been trying to work on some more Christmas cards and baby announcements. I'm getting a little frustrated though because I'm new to the graphic side of PS. I just learned a little bit about brushes tonight and have yet to play with them. I feel like I've got writers block though. :( Hopefully some creative juices will flow soon. Maybe the baby is sucking all my creativity out of me. Hey, it could happen?
I will be 11 weeks tomorrow. I went 10 weeks without throwing up and then Wednesday rolled around. Yikes! I feel good though for the most part. I'm not used to being so emotional though which I don't like. :(
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