Labor day weekend we were able to meet up with our friends Julie, Dave, Aaron, and Chelsie at Pigeon Forge, TN. We rented a quaint little cabin up in the mountains. What a great weekend! We got a considerable amount of shopping done at the outlet malls and ate really good food while we were there! The weekend was pretty relaxing and a great getaway.
Since the return of our trip, baby Loeffler has grown a lot! He/she (which I think is a he) has grown to be the size of a peach this week at 13 weeks. The first trimester is quickly coming to an end. No more nausea I hope! I've been fighting the flu/a cold all weekend so hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. Drugged with Benedryl (yes it's safe during pregnancy) I am going to attempt to make it through the workday with my little munchkins. Our friends the Moores find out the sex of their baby today! I'm so excited to hear their news. We still have till Oct 30 to find out. My belly is still kind of small- I still feel more like I have a beer gut than a baby inside there. I'm sure that won't last long though.
The coming weeks are pretty busy. This weekend I have a wedding to shoot followed by a family session on Sunday. New pics to come soon!! Until then, enjoy this...

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