How Not to Be an Idiot....

Last week I decided to try Lauren Clark’s recipe for homemade cookies. It’s been a while since I’ve baked cookies from scratch so I was determined to do a good job. There I am mixing away the ingredients….I noticed that the dough wasn’t getting as well mixed as I wanted or quick enough so I decided to help speed the process along and scrape the sides of my stand mixer with a spoon….

I guess my reactions were not as quick as I thought they would be because the beaters soon swallowed my spoon and I was stuck. After turning off the mixer and multiple tugging attempts on the spoon I decided it was time for some hardware to be used. Since Steve had the toolbox at the office I was left with the following….
Can you guess which one worked?
a) pliers, b) a pocket knife c) hammer or d) wood working chipping wedge

If you guessed a) you are correct!!!
So, discarding the dough with pieces of wood, dirt and rust, my second attempt to make the cookies, they actually turned out yummy.

Life lesson- Don’t stick a spoon in your stand mixer.