Happy Father's Day to my Love

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers. It's Steve's first Father's Day. We celebrated by heading out to get Chinese (his choice). I came upstairs for a few min and came back down to find this....and my heart melted. Thought I'd share with you all how sweet this precious moment was. :)

Although it's only your first Father's Day this is what I'm learning about you as a dad....

You love getting smiles from our precious baby boy...
You like picking him up to "fix" him when he's crying...
His funny faces he makes in the bathtub when you sprinkle water on his head make you laugh...
You've shared some of your biggest smiles with him...
You've not given up on trying to make him stop sucking his thumb....I have give up...
Poopy diapers annoy you...
You like singing the silly songs I sing to him...
and you love your son very much.

All these things have made me fall even more in love with you.

Happy 1st Father's Day Stephen. I love you, always.

-Your Love