Don't ask how, but I still remember being in kindergarten. I remember I wore dresses, my mom teased my bangs way too high, my turkey coloring paper got taken away because I was caught talking when I wasn't supposed to, my best friend was Becky Goodin, and I had a crush on Bobby Koontz. This crush lasted tillthe 5th grade when he asked my to be his girlfriend ( probably through a letter). This is the second longest relationship I've ever had. But, as you know, things change over time and what seemed like a promising romance failed to blossom into something permanent....ok, ok, I know. We were 10. I do recall doodling "Mary Kim Koontz" on some notebooks somewhere though. Ask him and I guarentee he will STILL pout over being broken up with for Bobby W. ;) haha.
Even a breakup couldn't stop a friendship from growing between Bobby and I as we went into high school. Most of my summers were spent swimming with friends at Bobby's and hanging out at his house. A lot of people say that guys and girls can't be "just friends". Bobby and I have disproved that theory. After high school we worked in the same office on campus. That's when I realized something about him. He is honestly one of the few people (besides my husband) I can spend more than 6 hours a day straight with and not get tired of. Frustrated at some of the comments he may make, yes. Mad because he laughs at me and thinks I'm stupid for some of the things I say, yes. But to say I was tired of him? I don't think ever.
There was a summer that we carpooled to school for work and class. We'd leave early in the morning, stop at McDonalds, drive to work in silence (except for the occasional Nelly, Backstreet Boys, or NSYNC cd playing- sorry Bobby if I just told everyone you listened to that stuff with me! haha) go to work and try not to fall asleep.

Although he may seem like he's too cool sometimes, Bobby really is one of the nicest guys I know once you crack the shell. Bob's always made me feel like one of the guys when I was with him. He's never treated me like a girl or gone easy on me and I like that. Bobby was always kind of an escape for me when I didn't want to be with the girls, didn't want to have to talk, or didn't want to deal with the drama that comes with being a girl. I could simply hang
out with him, sit in silence, watch ESPN in his living room with him (and usually Adam and/or Jimmy) play with Raven(his dog), and eat pizza rolls.
Bobby and I are pretty different from each other- ok very different from each other, but somehow we get along great. Maybe it's the common ground of growing up in the same place? Maybe it's our love for sports? Maybe it's simply because he's afraid I'll quit being his friend and replace him with Bobby W. :) just kidding. He's like a brother to me, and I would think he thought of me as the same...I think. :)
It's unfortunate that we don't see each other often anymore. Between moves and schedules we rarely get to see each other. When we do though, it's like we pick right back up from where we left off.
Here are my favorite memories with Bobby.
- dancing with me at my 5th grade dance party: hands o
n each other's shoulders to "I Believe I can Fly"
- watching the "bubber club" from my bus
- hanging out/gathering at his house during the summers
- laughing at Bobby when our boss made him make 534 copies of 50 page booklets stapled..."Are ya with me"
- driving to work together
- hating hand writing time cards together
- senior trip
- listening to NSYNC and Backstreet Boys
- random trips to Fairview Heights
- eating at Changs for lunch
- bowling, darts, and ping pong

There's a million more that I could post but we've been friends for 20 years. I could go on for days. Bobby Koontz, I miss you, and Steve may miss you even more than me. Come and see us, punk.
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