I realize that sometimes I get way too excited about the little things in life. Whether it's a bargin on the clearance rack at Target, successfully pulling a hangnail, putting that extra punch on an edit, or shaving off minutes from the arriaval time on our GPS, it brings me a little bit of joy. I admit that everytime these little things happen I'm sliently saying "Yes!" in my head in a whisper while smirking, and holding back the urge to do an incredibly dorky "cha-ching" motion from 1993. Silly as it may seem (or perhaps weird to some...probably most), when life gets tough, it's these little things that can make things seem a little better. No, it won't fix the situation, and no it won't make me forget but for that moment it brings a smile, even if only a mental smile.
So today my readers, I hope the little things make you smile.
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