I [ heart ] cheesecake.

I've been trying to give the right side of my brain a workout this year (maybe to make up for the lack of workout my body's been getting? ) and have been trying to be more creative. This week's "Project 52" was a self portrait with something that you love. There are lots of things I love, but this is pretty self explanatory. I love cheesecake. I stuck with simplicity.

Self portraits are tricky. The catch is that you have to do it your"self". So, focus can be off, you have to constantly be checking your metering and settings without your subject (yourself) actually in front of the camera. It's tough. Anyhow, the focus wasn't exactly how I wanted, but I was about to run out of cheesecake so this is what you get.

By the way- I apologize for the dual usage of this image this week. If you're following our 365 blog, or follow me on facebook, you're probably tired of seeing me chowing down on this deliciously rich and creamy cheesecake....:)


Peggy Blankenship said...

You deserve it, you work hard taking Pictures& they are so Great!