B&A: Alyssa

Just to add some spice to the blog, I thought it would be interesting to start a Before & After series on the blog. As far as editing goes, a lot of photographers hate this part of the process. They are primarily shooters. I like to think I'm still primarily a shooter, but I don't think I would ever consider outsourcing for my editing. Maybe I'm too picky, or maybe it's just that I love feeling like I've accomplished something when I take an image from a 4 to a 10 on the wow meter. The hardest thing to me is to decide on which direction I want to go. I have a weakness for vintage processed photos but I also love bold and bright saturation. They're a little contradictory to each other, and I've tried to decide which route to go, and I just can't decide. Maybe over the next few years I'll determine which fits my "style" best. :)

Now, I'm no expert on Photoshop OR LightRoom, but I have learned a lot over the past 3-4 years, and am STILL learning.

Here is a B&A from Alyssa's Senior session...



More to come! Feedback is welcomed!!