One of my favorite memories from college is from my freshman year. I was a student at Southwest Baptist University playing softball with lots of hardcore Cardinals fans. That year they went to the playoffs, and we drove up to St. Louis to see the game. Did we have tickets? no. Did we stand on top of trashcans outside of the stadium and peek through the fences? yes. Did we drive 4 hours back to school at 11pm? absolutely. A good time was had by all. :) St. Louis is an amazing baseball town, and I love it.
Since we've moved back to the area, I admit I've been slacking on watching games. Being away from it for a few years (and having a Braves fan for a husband....gag!) and just getting busy it sometimes slips my mind that I can now actually watch them play! I am thrilled to know that they are in the playoffs and even more excited that Red October is upon us!!! Last weekend was my first trip to Busch this year, and it was by FAR the most awesome experience I've ever had.
This past year has been filled with lots of great experiences. Last Saturday I had another amazing opportunity to partner with the Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis for their "Walk In the Park" event at Busch stadium. 3,800 individuals, family members, and friends of those affected by down syndrome rallied together at the stadium to walk the field and celebrate the lives of those with down syndrome.

Special thanks to my friend Ashley Henna for the opportunity! Ash, you did a fabulous job on the event! It came together wonderfully!

While walking the field, everyone had the opportunity to drop personal letters of thanks and appreciation to Albert and his family in special boxes at home plate. DSAGSL definitely loves the Pujols family!

Many of you may not know, but the Pujols family is very involved with DSAGSL. At the game, DSAGSL presented him with an award of appreciation for all the Pujols family does for the community.

I admit I was a little starstruck as I stood just inches away from Albert Pujols. Good thing I had a camera in my hand and working or I would have probably been looking for a sharpie for him to sign my shirt :)

Albert's kids are adorable! "Daddy! Daddy!" they shouted as he came out on the field, pointing at him. :)

I loved watching the kids take the field! I know it's an experience they will never forget.

Hi Theriot. Yes, I'm a very pregnant girl taking your picture during the Star Spangled Banner.

Play ball!!!

And this is about the time that I was getting yelled at to get into the holding room because I was on the field too long, which is probably why some of you saw me walking off the field on the news that evening. Hey, when opportunity knocks...

I highly doubt that I'll ever be able to have an experience like this again and I am so grateful for such an amazing opportunity!!! Now lets go REDBIRDS!!!

VERY VERY COOL! You gotsome awesome shots too! Maybe you can send the link to Pujols and his family will buy some of your photos! How Cool!!
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!!! I didn't even get that close to Pujols during the all star parade! :) You did an AWESOME job and WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!! :D
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