Worth it.

My friend Ashley always talked about how she had started her journey into photography just wanting a good camera to be able to take good pictures of her kids. While that is I'm sure that is the beginning of a lot of photographer's journey, it wasn't mine. She shared that her business was a huge part of her life, her family and kids were numero uno. (Ashley, do you like that espanol I threw in there?? ;) )
While I wanted to say the same thing I didn't know if I truly would mean it, so I refrained. I remember sitting talking over one of our many days together this summer and telling her that if I didn't have the business I would feel lost, that I feel like I was CREATED for this.

Then tonight, while editing grainy, poorly lit, crappy white balanced images of my kids, on the verge of tears.....I got it.

Ashley, I get it. :)

I've had an amazing year, and hope for another in 2013, but even if my journey through photography ended on the business side right now, it was worth it because I'm able to capture my boys in moments like these, better than I would have before I started.

Without being too cheesy, I think our careers as photographers are unique in the fact that if you allow it to be, it can be such a blessing....

- a blessing to the client who wants to remember the beautiful season of life they are in
- a blessing to the viewer as they are inspired creatively, spiritually, and relationally
- a blessing to the Lord by giving Him the glory for the work we create
- a blessing to you as you are able to capture moments in your own life that are so dear and precious to you.

I do feel like this is what the Lord created me to do, but in the big picture, I know that even if this was it, it was worth it.

Happy Tuesday to everyone.






