Christmas is just around the corner. Here is my tree this year. Nothing fancy, just the good ole tree my daddy bought me when I was 13. :) Some Christmas soon I hope to get a real tree. :) I've been blogging alot lately partially because I've dled a trial version of photoshop cs4...love it! and a trial version of totallyradactions for photoshop- even more in love. I need to start saving so that I too may own both items myself. :)
I'm ready for another shoot. I was supposed to do one this past weekend but because of the rainy weather we're waiting till next week. Anyhow- here are some photos for you. :)

Cute light bulb! Hey... look at theultimatesteal.com If you can still use your .edu email account you can get student discounts on a lot of new software. I'm not sure if they have photoshop on there or not. But it's worth looking at.
Ok so the ultimatesteal is for microsoft products. Try out this one!
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