This weekend I was crazy busy. Between Christmas parties, a photoshoot, dinner at a friend's, and dog-sitting I barley had time to breathe! It made the time pass quickly though. I had a great weekend. I'm sitting here with a dog on my lap, and Cali (our kitty) jealously lying on the computer desk staring at the dog.

Katie and Jeremy are friends of mine from our church small group. They are from Texas and love TX A&M! They also love boxers and currently have 10- literally! Their 2 dogs just had a litter of 8 puppies. They are adorable. They're also trying to find homes for them so if you're interested, let me know! :)

Proud parents: Major and Sydney

1 of 8 puppies. :)

This picture makes me laugh. Notice the dog's ears...I was using a deer call to get their ears to perk up as I'm trying to shoot with my camera....haha.
After pictures with the dogs we went downtown to get some shots of just the two of them. I was pleased with the images. favorite picture of the day. I've been waiting to take this exact picture for a while now. I just hadn't found the place yet. :) Found it and I love it. :)
I'll be headed home next week to spend Christmas with my family and friends in Illinois. :) More pictures to come!!!
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