I have been cleaning out some things we have in boxes and bins. In the midst of all this, I found this very funny.
Steve has never been a huge fan of cards (like most guys I guess) This is a card I gave to my husband after graduating TBS (The Basic School) in 2006. I had forgotten I'd even written it. I wrote a lot of nice things on the inside and drew an arrow to this message on the back

2 years later, even though it was in the bottom of a rubermaid tub, crumbled up, I was wrong!!! He didn't throw it away. haha. It gave me a good laugh earlier.
I also found this...

When I was in high school and we were dating I worked really hard on this Valentine's day gift. I didn't have any money because I was a student but I filled the can with things I love about Steve. This was probably made 5 years ago. He still has it. This made me smile and so did the contents of the can. I used to make him stuff like this all the time and he'd filled the can with a lot of those little notes and silly drawings that I did. :)
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