Wedding today!!

I have a wedding today! Yep! Fortunately I was able to sleep in a little bit because it is an evening ceremony. I'm a little nervous and VERY excited!
This baby has been kicking my butt lately! Plus, I've been battling a sickness. :( yuck!!

Today marks 14 weeks. Goodbye first trimester! I've been dog sitting 2 boxers today and yesterday. They are so sweet. It's my dog who is the crazy one! She's just not used to other dogs I guess. Talk about a busy week. This week has been packed with things to do. Between softball games, church activities and work, I've barely had time to breathe! I have a family session tomorrow as well, so the busyness continues!! :) I like it that way though I do admit, as long as I have a recovery week.

I've been toying with the idea of getting a slideshow program to use: showitweb. I really like the program, but am unsure if it's worth the money since I have imove and iphoto on my computer already and it's free.