I couldn't help but notice the cute little Asian girl who sat in the same row as me. She must have been a really good Asian- sits in the front row, answers questions from the professor, and asks lots of great questions. She was always polite as we exchanged hellos and goodbyes between lectures. Right about now was the time that facebook was starting. This was back when you had to have a college email address in order to register. I'm not for sure how it started but somehow we added each other as friends and started messaging via facebook. After a few conversations and realizations of our similarities, we decided we should hang out sometime. After the first time we hung out I knew we'd be doing a lot of hanging out together. :)
It was so strange the similarities we discovered with each other. Both adopted from South Korea, both raised very similar, both loved music, we even had the same Korean name!
Suddenly I felt as though we were long lost sisters somehow and was glad we'd found each other.

Over the next few years Nicole and I got to know each other, lived together, and laughed together. Here's what I've learned about Nicole in the few years that I've known her...
Nicole is one of the most caring people I've ever met. Her profession (nursing) allows her to show this on a daily basis to her patients. I've never seen her in action but I can only imagine that she is one of the best. She is constantly asking about how you are and you know that she really means it.
Nicole has a huge heart. She loves to GIVE. One thing I really learned about Nicole when we lived together was that her love language is giving. I don't know how many times I would come home from work or school and there would be a small little gift with note that said "Just because" :).
Bam-Bam loves Chinese food. Being college students, many of the times we hung out together included ordering Chinese from China King. (It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets asked questions about where they're from in a Chinese restaurant or nail place. ) Chicken with vegetables and brown sauce is her fav. ;)
Nicole is a hard worker. Graduating first in her class, Nicole worked harder and studied harder than anyone I knew. She spent a lot of time in the library in college but would even bring textbooks when we would hang out together so she could study in between conversations. She deserved every bit of recognition she received because of the work she put into her studies.
She is organized. I never realized how unorganized I am until I lived with Nicole. She makes me look sloppy.
Nicole is stylish. Nicole introduced me to Anthropologie and I am now forced to want clothes from there but can't afford any of them...not even on the clearance rack. :)

Some of my favorite memories with Bam Bam include:
- vegging out in our pjs catching up on Grey's Anatomy
- long talks till wee hours of the night from our apartment bedroom
- our trip to Chicago :) (can we go back sometime? )
- our trip to Chicago :) (can we go back sometime? )
- visiting Chris and J.T. on nights we were bored
- attempting new recipes and concoctions in the kitchen
- getting our nails done together and both wondering what they were saying about us (haha!)
- getting our nails done together and both wondering what they were saying about us (haha!)
Nicole, I am so thankful I was put in that dreadful biology class after all. I couldn't manage an A in class, but I recieved something better- a friendship that will last for years to come.
Nicole, Saranghaeyo! :)

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