Boo-Yahs : 2nd Trips to Walmart and Wild Berry Smoothies

I meant to post this weeks ago. A little late, but here is the latest and greatest:
Inspired by Jasmine Star, I'm starting my own reviews on things because everyone cares what I think...right? ;)

Corny name: Boo-Yahs

To state the obvious- the boos are things that I dislike. Yah's are the things that I do. :) Oh sweet simplicity.

This week's Boo's go to:

Making second trips to the same day - this is the worst. You get home and unpack all of your purchases that you thought you'd checked off your list...or at least mental list and realize that a) you're out of bread and b) you need it in order to eat lunch tomorrow. You may also realize that you forgot to order a CF Card for your new Nikon D700 that just arrived. Crap.

Poopy Diapers - Speaking of crap- It's never fun to change a poopy diaper. It's especially never fun to change a poopy diaper and attempt to pull off a onsie that has poopie on it. It's extremely lame to have to change 5 poopy dipaers and 5 poopy one day. Thank you son for giving me the opportunity to experience this today.

Eat, Pray, Love- I was sucked in by all the hype for this novel. I got 50 pages into this book and was sadly disappointed. I'd heard so many great reviews of the book. The book lost me at the point where the main character states that Christ is not the only way God. Pick up a Bible and read what it says in John 14:6. Jesus states that he is the only way to the father. Sorry Elizabeth Gilbert but I trust Jesus over you anyday.

This week's Yah's include:

Mixed Berry Smoothies from McDonnalds: Delicious. Refreshing. Tart. Satsifaction

Baby's Laughter- Jaden is starting to crack up laughing. He's turning into a rather happy baby for the most part. :) I am loving it. Talk about a boost to my self -esteem. At least someone genuinely thinks I'm funny.

Phone calls when you least expect them- I got a phone call this week from the hubs from the middle of the wilderness in Alaska. I swear it was like we were dating again. I was beaming from ear to ear for 15 min. after he called.