Here are some things to know about Miss Carli. She is a girl of many faces(as you will see). She's got lots of personality. Carli hates cats. She can be a little goofy, and best of all she loves the Lord.

I met Carli last year after super summer week at HLGU. She's honest, she's adorable, and she loves life.
Thanks Carli for a great session. I had so much fun with you and your mom!

I had a first on this session. I was injured on the job. While attempting to use a certain location, silly me stepped on a broken bottle and sliced the arch of my foot. When I say sliced, I really mean sliced! It was stitches worthy, but we decided against it. I was a little nervous considering I had a wedding to shoot the following day, but thanks to Dr. Stephen I was able to hobble around on it for a 9+ hour wedding the following day.
I catch a lot of grief about my "old man" boat shoes, but I tell ya what. Flip flops will not longer accompany me on sessions unless they are indoor.

Thanks Carli for not freaking out, driving me home, and being ok with calling it a wrap! :) I still LOVED your images!

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