It's been a while since I posted something personal on the business blog. June has been crazy busy for me. The Lord has truly been blessing me in my business and I'm ever grateful for it. As I speak I'm waiting for images to export out of LightRoom.
That being said, I have been so caught up with work that I have hardly even taken any photos of Jaden during the month of June. I sadly admit that these were 1 of 2 sets of photos taken this past month...and they were in the same day.
Jaden has learned to walk and is practically running around now. Where has the time gone? It felt like it took him forever (14 months) to walk and now we can hardly keep up. Words are few and far between for him, but he has "ma ma" and "da da" down. He also says "ki ki" for kitty (in a high pitched voice), and "su so" (Sasha). At least he knows who lives with him. :) Speaking however is one of his favorite things. Let me rephrase...yelling, squealing, and belly laughing are some of his favorite daily activities.
I'm so curious as to how he will take to his brother. For now he seems a little uninterested in anything to do with "baby". He just wants to touch my belly button with his index finer so I will pretend laugh. He also is still learning that he can't climb on mommy's belly and bounce like he does to daddy. I am 25 weeks today and our second little boy hasn't been shy about letting us know he's here, in both appearance and movement. We think we may have settled on a name.
Stay tuned to the exciting conclusion.
I've been introducing Jaden to sidewalk chalk. He's learning. Basically it's an excuse for me to go out and draw pictures and write things on our back porch. Like a true boy, J finds some way to destroy it, cross it out, or scribble on my stick figures. It's all good though. Abstract art right?

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