I called Bonnie to tell her that we would be having another baby in October. To my surprise I found out that she too was going to be a mommy a week later! It's been so fun to be pregnant both times with friends who are close to me. We share info about doctor appointments, pregnancy woes, and "enjoy" putting on weight together. ;)
Bonnie and I have been friends since we were in kindergarten. It's only fitting that our boys know each other from the start. Although we are far away from each other, I have a feeling that Tytus and Lincoln will be buddies.
Just a few more weeks and we'll get to meet little Lincoln!

Bon Bon, you are truly gorgeous. Mommyhood is already looking good on you.

Lincoln, you are already loved by so many people. We can't wait to meet you in a few weeks!

Love the Pink dress bons! MK LOVE LOVE the chalk on the one picture! So unique:)
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