I am less than 3 weeks away from our due date. I'm officially on maternity leave...aka not shooting sessions, and I admit I got the bug to go out and shoot last week. I just couldn't help it! It's been a while since I've done a session with Jaden and it's fitting since he turned 18 months last week. Yes, 18 months. Can you believe it?

I sure can't.

Before the hustle and bustle of having a newborn gets here, I wanted to take a moment to note the accomplishments and development of our eldest pride and joy.

-At 18 months-
- can run, jump, climb, throw, and play the drums
- can point out specific animals, clouds, and foliage in books
- says mama, dada, uh oh, and nana clearly
- uses sign language for "please", "milk", and "all-done"
- has his own vocabulary for certain items/phrases - "Guh Guh" (kitty cat), "Guk" (kick), "ite der" (right there)
- jabbers constantly, mainly full of duh's and da's
- loves wrestling with daddy, pillow fighting with daddy, and peek-a-boo with mommy
- is great at picking up toys, stacking blocks, and putting shoes away
- learning more body parts - knows eyes, ears, head, hair, nose, hands, belly button, arm, fingers, toes, teeth
- is currently infatuated with bees and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- makes roaring noises for bears
- loves playing outside with sticks, rocks, and dirt (typical boy)
- likes holding mommy and daddy's hand

Jaden, my sweet boy. We love you more than you will ever know.

Something about these made me tear up. Maybe it's because your having another one… who knows… He is so very sweet.
So adorable... he looks so much like a toddler!! Can't believe he is going to be a big brother soon! Love you!
Either my child is about to take leaps and bounds to the next level of intellectual knowledge...or your child is very advanced. Caison doesn't put shoes away. He throws them...or eats them...or maybe puts them in the TRASH!!
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