Lawson Family

Sometimes I get the chance to photograph old friends. This makes me smile.

Gwen and I go all the way back to high school, when she started attending the same church that I went to. She instantly fit right in with those of us who had been there for years. While singing songs on the big blue bus on mission trips I'm sure that we both had dreams of one day finding the man of our dreams and raising a family of our own. Fast forward 10 years later and that very dream has come true. I loved getting to photograph Gwen and her adorable family!

She and Tim are such sweet & loving people, who love God and love others. I've been so grateful for the help she's provided me with lately with the boys! It's been a huge help!!

I always knew that Gwen was beautiful, but my dear, I believe you've become even more beautiful and I think your hubby would agree! 


Emmanual and Eil were good sports to handle the chilly winds that accompanied our session.

I don't think she was amused by the crazy lady with the camera. ;)



For real Gwen, Can you say gorgeous??? And just for fun, I thought I'd throw this one in there. :) Photobucket Thank you guys for a fun evening! I hope you love your images. Oh yea, and see you tomorrow! :)