NC {twenty twelve}

It's been a while since I did a personal post. We just returned from our visit to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. We had a great time being with family and friends again. It's only been 3 years since we left but so much has changed! So many sweet memories arise when I think about that place and our newly married care-free life. It was Jaden and Ty's first plane ride. Jaden was SO excited about it. We'd been talking about it for weeks and he was ready to go as soon as we got to the gate. They both rode fairly well going, coming back was a different story...I wish I would have been able to take more photos, or at least be a little more creative. Traveling alone with two kids under the age of three should be a considered an Olympic sport. Unfortunately, this is what I ended up with. Creative/fun? no, but something to remember their first plane ride by, yes.
The first week of our trip was spent with our family in Fayetteville. Bless my sweet sister in law's heart for housing 6 additional people to their 4. We loved getting to spend time with them and their girls. We hardly ever get to see them so it was a treat for Jaden and Ty both to see their cousins. Mimi and Graddad were visiting as well from Alaska. This was the first time we'd all been under one roof in a couple of years. I also celebrated my twenty-seventh birthday while we were in town.
Loved these ones of sweet Ally with Tytus. Photobucket
While we were there we did a short session. Will post the images soon.
The week following Thanksgiving it was back to Jacksonville. We had an interesting event, which led to us staying with our sweet friend's Ryan and Katie for the week.
I wish I would have taken photos of the girls and our boys together. They had so much fun with them all week. Jaden still asks about "Bair & Sam."
We were able to go to Jump In Jax while we were there with another friend, Kisha and her son Maddox. Kisha and I were pregnant together while we lived in NC. It was so fun watching the boys play together and getting to spend time with her too! (Katie we miss you too!) 

Clearly, Blair was the only one who wanted her picture taken. :) And Maddox too at first.
Photobucket Photobucket
Stephen was sick most of the week so we spent a lot of time just hanging out at the house. The boys were able to get in pretty good naps most days, and Katie and I got to spend a lot of time together. We got to take Jaden to his very first movie while we were in town (Wreck It Ralph) and he LOVED it too. :) Photobucket
A little scary, but Jaden took this one. Photobucket
One day while the girls were gone we let the boys play on their Barbie Jeep. Not the most many vehicle, but they had so much fun! Photobucket
Our trip was a blast but we were glad to be home and back to a more normal routine. Photobucket